Candy Wineberry Red?

Classic Goldwings

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Non decal way is either airbrush and a lot of masking or a pin stripe brush which will take practice. Pin stripe tape is the easiest way. Paint job looks great!
[url= said:
dan filipi » Tue Feb 21, 2017 4:33 pm[/url]":tjsprvuk]
How do you make sharp turns in stick on pinstripping? I tried some from pep boys and it folded over pretty much then I gave up.
You have to run the roll out about 3 feet away from your work and make the bends/turns in a long sweep while holding your finger on the stripe on the piece moving your finger with the bend adding the stripe as you go. It can be a pain, but has to be done slowly. Otherwise, the striping rolls over or breaks.
[url= said:
julimike54 » 30 minutes ago[/url]":c9t4vuiu]
Could it be the brand you used?
Could be. Pep Boys stuff not great quality.
Here is the final look. :Egyptian: I think, at least for now, I'm going to put the pinstripes on the back burner. Might look better to repaint the side covers without PSs...I kind of like that cleaner look better. :eek:k:

What I really need to do is to bite the bullet and pull the engine so I can fix the oil leak at the rear cover. :whip: Then I can paint the engine that Cast Iron colour of engine paint which would look good against this new body colour.
Never was all that impressed with their appearance, :nea: liked the cleaner lines without them myself. :good:
Looks like one of mine minus the rusted chrome plate at the bottom of the shield. Oh and mine has the fat girl rear bags too.
[url= said:
canuckxxxx » Mon Apr 17, 2017 6:49 pm[/url]":2o6wk5pi]
A few weeks ago I painted the Windjammer to match he rest of he bike: :Egyptian:

:clapping: :good: :clapping: Sweeeeet!

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