Aftermarket Fuel pump???

Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
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Dec 22, 2014
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Jamestown ND
As I get some time I have been working on my 1981 1100 I cleaned the tank and installed it. After the install I put in some gas and gave it a try. Only to find the fuel pump seeping some gas from the weep hole in the side. So I guess it is time for a new one. Are the aftermarket ebay ones any good or should I just dig deeper in the cash box and get the honda one. Thanks JohnB
As I get some time I have been working on my 1981 1100 I cleaned the tank and installed it. After the install I put in some gas and gave it a try. Only to find the fuel pump seeping some gas from the weep hole in the side. So I guess it is time for a new one. Are the aftermarket ebay ones any good or should I just dig deeper in the cash box and get the honda one. Thanks JohnB
Well just decided to suck it up and ordered a new one this morning.

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