1985/1986 FI Models - Gr/Gl Sensors

Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
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Dec 25, 2015
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Victoria, BC,
Have been doing a lot of reading of late regarding EFI systems for info on the project I'm working on.

A question that has been asked, can't remember where is what are the magnets for that are on the Gr/Gl sensor plate that is installed on the aft end of the right cylinder head. I have wondered about this myself.

GR-GL Sensors.jpg

I think I have found what may be an answer to this. Reading the Motorcycle Fuel Injection Handbook by Adam Wade and his blurb on hall-effect sensors caught my eye.

These sensors are solid state, and are used instead of a VR sensor for certain applications. Apparently you can build signal conditioning circuitry around onto the silicon wafer that is in this sensor, but it has limitations.

Hall-effect sensors can have a digital or analogue output. The Gr/Gl sensors on the older Gold Wing FI bikes have an analogue signal.

Apparently a hall-effect sensor requires a magnetic trigger wheel, and the fingers/teeth need to be fairly wide compared to the slim fingers/teeth for a VR sensor. I surmise that the magnetic wheel in the case of the Gr/Gl sensors can be either a rotating wheel, or where the magnets are located on the Gr/Gl sensor plate. Don't need a lot of magnetism to develop, just enough to activate the sensor.

This makes this type of sensor a good candidate for a small number of triggering events such as the cam sensor.

This is the only reference I have found that could explain the magnets on the Gr/Gl sensor plate. It's as good an explanation as any I've seen.