Living in a country that's been taken over by a foreign coup

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 8, 2009
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chuluota florida
So here we are ...Trump the legal elected president ..has spent 4 yrs in office and never started a war or better sacrificed Americans lives for phony Jews of biblical times and the phony nation of Israel ...I'd say that attacking Syria over something that happen in another nation fits tight in there of putting Americans lives in danger for fucking Israel but this same military did nothing while America was taken over in a foreign coup ...It's time for real Americans to relise that the military is no different than the CIA FBI DOJ CDC FDA ATF THEY WORK FOR THE KAZARIAN ZIONIST BANKING SCUM CABAL OF GLOBAL WAR ON ALL NATIONS AND THERE SOVENTRY
..frankly the military deserves zero respect ..when you do nothing for the people your suppose to protect and the future looking like you would war against the country you serve your nothing but dogshit traitors ...any decent GI JOE would burn ther uniform and walk ..Obviously you can't fight for Americans in those clothes they belong to the nation killer army Syria had anything to do with the contactor killed on another country ...oh and I like the way Israel attack there own boat to try and blame Syria these fuck in deceptionist are just that fucking liars to thete core

And now on to racisum towards whites if a baker is arrested and charged for not having the right sale his cake that are his

Then I say all major media radio stations social media that are all owned by JEWS should be arrested for promoting RACISUM on whites ...they own all this and are responsible for pure flat RACISUM
And also flat antitrust violations against all Americans ...this is true RACISUM like was used in Nazi Germany ..time to break up all foreign owned entities in America

It's time for revolution stop all taxes that pay for a foreign army titled as American military this is all getting out of hand .time to MAGA this country and wipe out all foreign influence to zero
ARE WE THERE YET?????????? :roll:

Silent Running
Song by Mike + The Mechanics

Take the children and yourself
And hide out in the cellar
By now the fighting will be close at hand
Don't believe the church and state
And everything they tell you :nea:
Believe in me, I'm with the high command
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you? :beg:
There's a gun and ammunition
Just inside the doorway
Use it only in emergency
Better you should pray to God
The Father and the Spirit
Will guide you and protect from up here :good:
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Swear allegiance to the flag
Whatever flag they offer
Never hint at what you really feel
Teach the children quietly :read:
For some day sons and daughters
Will rise up and fight while we stood still :Doh2:
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me running (can you hear me calling you?)
(Can you hear me) hear me calling you?
(Can you hear me running) hear me running babe?
(Can you hear me running) hear me running?
Calling you, calling you :headscratch:
Looks like old Nervous Nancy got her tit in a wringer this time.
She refused 10,000 national guard for the events security.
All evidence points directly at the DC DEMONRATS AS COMPLETE TRAITOTS TO AMERICA
..did people see how many gather at every trump event thete is ..all Americans know we are on times of an illegal disgusting coup of foreign occupation ..time to rid the country of all foreign influences in all ways ..and put in place the reelected President Trump ...America does not put up with foreign scum in control ...time to revolt in all ways
Funny as fuck ..after an entire 5 years of domestic violence against private property businesses towns local governments ..just plain old terrorist attacks by Soros BLM ANTIFA ELECTION TERRORISUM ..the deamonrats are worried about there coup and take over of DC COMPOUND of foreign occupation...and theare cancelling activities ..and the military and DC traitor police are trying to focus on we the people as terrorist this going to be where the military goes after American citizens like they did sryrian citizens for absolutely nothing for the terrorist state of Israel ...Israel I'm sure is quite upset that there dual citizens in our government have no place being there ...this is the main reason our country wad taken over in a foreign coup and doesn't represent the American people in any way what so ever ...if the American military is so corrupted with these foreign scum and will go after the people bring it on you fucking evil anti-American dogshit
Wow every day it just keeps getting more anti American in DC ...this coup at the DC COMPOUND IS turning into a huge pedogate ..I don't care who you are ..all these assholes who call for facts but never ? Main stream media and there 24-7lies never ending ..these people are PEDOFILES or brain damaged ...when there plenty of worldwide child slavery and murder allocations has to go to the children sake over all the denials by media proven liars ..they don't rate acceptance over children period ..if this was all lies the reality would be people jumping onto proving all this wrong ...thete not ..they ate doing this the same way they did the election ignore all allegations and pure facts as not real ...this in itself points to guilty .I can see now that the only big nation with any decentcy is Russia long as the military is guarding the DC COMPOUND like a prison and the razor wire is focas to keep people in not out I'm going with we are in military control and Biden is fucking nothing but a criminal who should be shot in a firing squad as do 80% of all DC COMPOUND agencies and elected traitors by voting machines not people ...I'm sure thete no law that makes machines vote counts more than legal American citizens ..our president Trump and he is still comander in chief with the help of Russia and India are going to right all things these global PEDOFILES of the Catholics Britain Italy let's just say all EU and there mentor temple of scum Switzerland are all going down ..not one rock upon another left of these phony Jewish declared people who are not jews in any DNA way ...great time to be living in to see the he'll on earth taken out
Well, now it looks like you're calling me an asshole because I call for facts. All I want is evidence - provable evidence, to back your batshit crazy bullshit claims. The Vatican using satellites to control the voting machines?!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Where does this shit come from? Some people are smoking, snorting, drinking or shooting up with some serious shit to come up with these conspiracies, and still offer not a single bit of proof for any of them.

You can call me all the names you want, but until you present evidence and/or proof of your claims, your posts are invalid.
Nothing was directed at you Steve ... If you want to find facts there out ...nobody paying me to teach you fact like me you should just investigate yourself ...politics is no different than oldwings ...I listen to so call gurus to the point I could see they were full of shit ..and I proved them wrong ...mostly these guys were gurus at runnning thete mouth only ..I mean heck Steve in your state they have double the signatures needed to boot Gavin the dem Gov out of office ...I'm sure there working overtime on how to squash this will of the people out like they did 2018 election and obviously 2020 vote ..they will go from any votes counts to recall petition don't count ...looks Gov of New York is in big trouble too ..he should be in much more trouble he a mass murderer ..just because you have position you can murder anyone and get away with it days are coming to a end for them ...great time to be living in
[url= said:
Steve83 » Tue Mar 09, 2021 2:49 pm[/url]":v5oe7633]
Well, now it looks like you're calling me an asshole because I call for facts. All I want is evidence - provable evidence, to back your batshit crazy bullshit claims. The Vatican using satellites to control the voting machines?!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK?!?! Where does this shit come from? Some people are smoking, snorting, drinking or shooting up with some serious shit to come up with these conspiracies, and still offer not a single bit of proof for any of them.

You can call me all the names you want, but until you present evidence and/or proof of your claims, your posts are invalid.

facts mean nothing here. you can ask for the tiniest bit of evidence to back these wild claims up, but you
might as well save your breath to cool your porridge....

i note that even some of the nuttiest conspiracy theorists have gone a bit quiet on the might QAnon
and the all knowing Q predictions.Remember how trump is going to be president again ? no more for
me. i'm going back to the mighty P.Alot.
P was just before Q , and P.Alot is the go to entity for predictions..
Now. P.Alot best work is done at night, and sometimes you have to be quick to catch it . but don't give up
P.Alot wil be there when the other false prophets have gone.
see, P.Alot theory is simple. stay alert , coz it will pass quickly . but will, as sure as shootin , be back.

now , i must be off to my latest Flat Earth Society meeting. apparently one of the members has some
more of those silly alleged pics of the earth as being round. oh how we laugh........
Let me state the facts by the mangods and science ..the world will end in the coming ice age ...we will be totally out of oil by 1984 ..the masecure at Waco was not Christian slaughter by American DC scum led by Bill Clinton ..the Spanish flu in the early 1900s was not cause by a vaccine forced.on military ..real facts are more military died of this vaccine than lead injection in world war warming going to end the world ...the twin towers were taken out by hijack planes ..that are made light so they can fly and take down two building perfectly it all fell in its thete footprint ..and then building 7 seeing this falls in its own footprint and was never hit by any thing ...then in DC the Pentagon is hit by another plane that flew strait into the front door by inexperience camil jockies and a wayward hi Jack plane is shot down in penn State ..let me count that 4 planes? Hmmm facts say only 3 planes hijack this don't line up ..oh and let not be amazed that when there is totally nothing left of anything these indestuctable ID cards and wallets can make it through anything to prove thete facts

I do understand that shit of the world happens to others all the people with head should up there are see nothing ..well I'm not that person a person who has infected by a real man made war virus that unlike cOvid 19 my life depended on me figuring out what the fuck to do as the CDC AMA claimed it didn't exist in the 35 years of having this I'm expert ...recently the government military admitted Lyme disease was a military bio weapon ...duh people like me that have live no this way to well today like covid they claim any natural tic fever is Lyme deseased ..I heard on one report of the mainstream liars that now they say there are 300 different types of Lyme disease..when before there was no such thing ...Lyme to be honest the real military version is actually syphilis ..this is what they worked so hard to do ..get a tic to carry it and infect humanity ...problem was many elites on new England got the virus and they suffered losses on themselves ...that's why today we are in the fake pandimic covid so they can control the death through vaccine as being the killer shot the dam ticks just didn't care if you were a chosen ...peoe have no clue how many died of lymesphis ..always blame on something else we are in the exact opposite everything is covid death to justify kill Bill and his killer vaccine

Give me a break guys at least try and defend this traitor in the DC COMPOUND ...I know you are not capable of knowing what I know about evil in charge ..I'm not better than you in fact I'm highly damage but my life depended on it and with that going on the clear window of truth became me ...ever wonder why syphiliss never became a huge problem with all other sexually transmitted diseases ? Well that cause it not sexually transmitted another long lived lie ...facts you say you could bet your life on the things I just said about me ..
Well I figured out what going on with Joseph Stalin Biden ...they have figured out that the covid vaccine is no vaccine at all its a carrier for mad cow disease and Biden stupidity comes from having mad cow disease ..they gave this puppet the vaccine as they just couldnt deal with a president with a brain ...on a serious note it's looking like it no joke about the mad cow agenda ...don't get the vaccine ...
[url= said:
dan filipi » Mon Apr 05, 2021 10:40 pm[/url]":1mi0nsjf]
I don’t know joe, all the people I know have gotten the vaccine don’t seem any dumber than usual :nea:

LMAO my my of the top vaccine developers engineers or whatever has died of mad cow disease this is no joke was only a few years ago they were saying it's impossible for humans to get mad cow disease when the cows all had it laugh and do what ever ..but this is serious stuff ...personally I'd never get the dam shot fuck the paper gurus who change like the weather of the thousands of people working on developing, producing and distributing one of several vaccines SUPPOSEDLY dies of mad cow disease, and you come to the conclusion that the vaccine is being used to infect the population with this same disease. Right??

:shock: :doh: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :roll: :hihihi:
Nope Steve that's not it I actually listen to the people who are not dead yet ..Alex Jones of INFOWARS AND PRIDONPLANET did a 1 1/2 HR video on this with many paper tigers explaining this ...I suggest you watch it ..of course the United communist are doing everything to hide it I've listen to many other sources these days since the coup take over and the United communist are in control ..I even look harder for teal truth ...people need to wake up this is not America anymore

AS someone who just won't die yet even tho I've been infected by a war virus for 30 plus years I'm not fooled by the agenda lie and lie and lie till it becomes truth ...
Bill Cooper videos are still being uploader on occasion.
For the sheeple, & the rest of us alike to see.
His book, Behold A Pail Horse, is a serious fucking Red Pill !!!
A fucking nightmare, you just can't wake up from.
This patriots crusade, cost him dearly, he paid with his life.
R I P Milton William Cooper, a true American hero. :read:
Yes the greatest American in the last 50 yrs period ..he had slot to do with survival from bio war attack on me and the people of America ...there others also like Ann rand from the 50s she was fantastic ... John Burke society and anyone with a clear mind that see evil ..that why the evil stupid defense is always prove it ...witch in reality means we are the judges of all things we are above you ...Laughable ..some people are never fooled by the evil stupid evil period

No end to these MOTHETFUCKING liars ..hears the new truth covid causes ppeople to go mad and crazy ...hmm like mad diseasé.imagine that week science covers one of there own getting mad cow disease sheesh LMFAO at how evil this global genocide is ..all these fucks need vaccinated in the middle of there forehead with lead ...
Center of body mass, rather than a head shot Joe.
Let them suffer a while, revenge is a dish enjoyed more COLD, Joe.