Looks like we're starting over (house)

Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
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Oct 17, 2011
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Chandler, Arizona
My wife has been wearing me down for quite some time about one last move. Although I was comfortable and thought I'd die in this place, looks like we'll be changing addresses. Only about a mile away, but a lot roomier - both house and lot (about an acre).

But, the reason I mention it here is that I am very proud of the SHOP that I'll have. Had one before divorcing the 1st wife and now will AGAIN! Hopefully, we'll close in a couple of weeks.

A teaser. (What really matters to us grease monkeys. Note the kitchenette and bathroom)
Thanks guys. Although I've been blessed (even after a messy divorce) this will be a stretch. It'll depend on my working until full retirement (rather than early) AND no meltdown in the stock market. Nervous as heck to be doing this at my age.

Believe it or not, there's a fair amount of grass, but nowhere near enough to warrant a rig like that. Sheesh, I mowed far more back east with far less. That's a serious piece of equipment. (Getting a decent HD single axle utility trailer on the deal, too!)

Appreciate the well wishes.
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=206564#p206564:1tftybm0 said:
D-50Dave » Thu Oct 18, 2018 5:43 am[/url]":1tftybm0]

...what HE said!!!!
Congratulations Darrell!! :salute:
:mrgreen: for the ”shop” not the move! :smilie_happy:
Been following your thread. Great shop. Had a house back in Ontario, 1200 sq ft house with basement, came with a 1500 sq ft garage - sure do miss it. Good luck on getting everything sorted out and up and running. Always good to move every once in a while - find so much interesting stuff. Cheers
Thanks guys. I really appreciate it. I only posted because of the shop. No backyard grease monkey could keep that a secret amongst like-minded friends.

The inspection has revealed a few surprises (40 year old property), so it's not a done deal yet. Will have to see how badly the owner wants to sell...

(Or how badly the prospect wants to buy).

:rtfm: :headscratch:
Well, Darrel... I'm thinkin' that with a shop like that, any '40 year old' problems shouldn't be big enough to amount to unresolvable heartache...

But yeah, that's a fair shop... bettern' mine (at the moment)... dirt or gravel floors... marginal lighting... easy-access for raccoons... (sigh)... but I'm making progress...

Next time I'm passin' thru on biz, I'll let 'ya know that you're due for a 'safety' inspection! :eek:k: '=)
Moving weekend!

This will be the last move, I swear! But I needed to get back into a space that I could breathe in and get serious with a few projects while I’m still of sound mind and body. Not sure about the mind part...

So what do you think the first things any self respecting motorhead would move first? Bikes, parts, tools!

It’s going to be a long weekend – and I’m already sore!


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