Omega thread... 1-29-2018 test ride

Classic Goldwings

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I agree with the steps to take, but I think the odor could be a clue to what’s going on and should'nt be ignored.
If the odor is wire insulation overheating, that's usually caused by a short circuit or overload and for whatever reason a fuse isn't blowing.
All the time it's overheating, it's doing more damage to the wire and maybe the harness.

I'd be checking for spark, but also paying attention where the odor might be coming from and finding out why.
If it IS a shorting wire or wires, that could be your whole problem and may be an easy fix (once you get at it).
Dan's right. I said I wouldn't be overly concerned about the smell and that's not the right stance to take. I didn't think about potential collateral damage (i.e. to the harness). But again, unless you "let 'er fry" you may not be able to localize it, I suspect. Watch like a hawk.
The odor IS coming from the same area low and in front where I was running the hydro line. I saw a wisp of smoke come from right over the middle/top of the timing belt covers.

I did just go back over the first thread, I'm pretty sure all plugs are getting spark cause I remember the ticking sound. I'm still going to check again.

I started her up having made the decision to get her to idle temp on this 34f morning. As stated it did start to smoke but after the second start it didn't return. After making the video I remembered there is a crossover chamber hence the warm exhaust on both sides. I did feel warmth on both valve covers and like I said I got a good shock from the #1 plug. In the video I did not hear ticking and then later I thought I did, I'm just not sure. During playback there is a point in the video where I thought I saw a twinkling of gas in the ventury on the right. After posting this I'll go back and put the exact time I saw this here. -> 1:23 - 1:25 I'm not sure now, At 2:59 I can hear a tick on the last plug right side.


p.s. and as before pardon the quality of video.
Must be in the carb that works that side ....spark is there I’m thinking ...I bet if you had a spay bottle with gas in it you could put a small squirt in the top of the carb on that side while it running and it would fire some ....have to just be careful and nice spray mist and not much...
Thanks Joe.

I just got off the phone with Paul at C5. He remembers little about the 1500 coils and at the time he was working on them he went thru the loss of his mentor. Anyway he believes he's got some pics of the coils and remembers he did not have to remove the carbs or the radiators. He went through the large vents on the insides of the main fairing. They have only three bolts holding them in so after I do some stuff for the wife I'll yank them off and post what I find. :beg:


Coils have been found w/o removing the carbs or radiators. This is the view through the right fairing fan vent after removal, I'll be removing the left sided fan vent to reach the the left side.

Now, what to do? Until I get more direction here I am going to loosen one plug wire cap at a time check the spark plug wire end if possible and re-insert/ re-tighten cap on all wires and try restart.

Good place to start?

Check all the wiring in that area you can access. Look for separated wire, damaged wire, any loose wires in any of the plugs especially wires that plug into the coils...not just the spark plug wires.
Joes test is good and easy to do. If that side seems to spring to life when squirting some gas in the carb throat, that would indicate a fuel delivery issue.
I'm betting on a lack of spark though. If you pull the 2 suspect plugs, they might appear wet with gas if it is in fact not getting a spark.
I'm done. Crystal is now a parts bike "IF" I decide to buy another. A 1000 or 1200 just won't due the 1500 has ruined me for the 4 bangers.

Shit breaking everywhere without even trying, nothing coming apart like it's supposed to in the threads I've been reading, and YT is little help when you have limited skills like myself.

The site and the community did what you could but I just couldn't make it happen, and for that I'm sorry.

Thanks to all that offered help in any way. :hi:

I'm not quite sure why a poor running (and fixable) condition would condemn a perfectly good motorcycle to a "parts" bike. Dang man, isn't that a little harsh? Let's go from your video. Firstly, Joe has mentioned that it sure seems like the right carb isn't doing it's job. Since none of the right cylinders appear to be firing, it has to be carb. There's nothing electrical common to the entire right bank (just like a 4 cylinder). There are 3 coils. #1 is for 1 and 2. #2 is for 3 and 4. #3 is for 5 and 6. So, the right side is 1-3-5. Three different coils and pulsers involved in the lack of "fire" on that side. Very unlikely to be ignition related.

Could be a dislodged/broken vacuum line on that carb...

I think you're throwing in the towel a bit prematurely. Just sayin'.
Randy, that is a lot of bike there for sure! Just remember what I told my girls when we were taking the slug apart for the first restoration, "Someone built this bike, someone can take it apart. You are a someone!" Take smaller bites and try not to diagnose the problem in the first try, that will only be frustrating! In your line of work, you do some pretty complicated stuff. But each problem you face has a main issue and secondary issues. This is triage. Worse things first until you make your way in.
Don't give up Randy! I know I have been in that same place before(on the 1100), as I'm sure a lot of others here have been. Once you get to that point, it's time to back off, and let it go for a while. Don't know what has broken, or otherwise been damaged in the process, but whatever it is/was, it can be fixed....just take a break, got this!

I prefer to use ether or a flammable spray as it is much safer than squirt bottle of fuel (once you stop spraying it evaporates quickly) unless you are really experienced. :yes:
Breath randy me there was never a better goldwing made than the’s weak spot is right where your at ..once you get this part of the bike spider web in your pocket of skills you have it handled ...this reminds me of some of my farming adventures ...early on when something would break or just not running or at all ...I had no clue ...most of the time ..and I had no help mostly ...just move slow ...if the three plugs are firing on the one side then it’s not spark as for how it’s put together you just can’t have that start paying attention to the carb on the non running side ...and there still you can confirm it delivering gas as it should ....I’m just guessing but if these carbs on the 1500 are cv carbs like the oldwing 4 bike are ....sheesh ...vacuum problem can shut the carb down completely ....we are talking about an unplugged hose a hole in the hose cracked connector ...I can dam near say it’s something really simple ....just got to fine it ....I’m sure if I had one of these 1500 I’d have a couple strait carbs on there LOL everyone knows I can’t stand CV carbs ...just looking at the mess from your pics ...the set up is way over complicated .....but in the same breath fixing this will get you in control of the bike ...I can assure you it’s an easy fix period ..we are dealing with