Random Image Attachments

Classic Goldwings

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Active member
Nov 5, 2012
Reaction score
Coweta, Oklahoma
I just want to get it out there that I really enjoy the random image attachments.

I could spend hours going through old posts this way. Oh, wait. I actually have spent hours...

Great feature!!! :good:

Brad in Coweta Oklahoma.
Thanks for saying, I really like it too.

I wasn't sure how it would be received by others but so far it seems to be enjoyed.

It does make the page load a bit slower, mostly because random gallery images and recent uploads are there also, but no-one has complained yet. Not even our moderator on dialup.
Actually, I find the dang things quite distracting....I see a pic down there, and it reminds me of an old thread, so I wind up spending my precious time reading back thru old threads....and I forget the stuff I was doing just before I saw the pics.... :rant: By the time I remember I wuz doing something else, I have no more time left to do what I wuz gunna do before seeing the random pics. :head bang:
NOW..I have to go back to werk......THANKS DAN! :sensored: :rant: :Awe:

:smilie_happy: :mrgreen: :smilie_happy: :mrgreen:

Just kiddin....I enjoy being reminded of some of the old threads/posts. :clapping: :good: :thanks:
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=111913#p111913:1zm66fj4 said:
Ansimp » Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:09 pm[/url]":1zm66fj4]
+1 with Joel
When I first put it on I spent hours going through old threads.
Lots of good threads to read, bringing back memories. Most good, some bad. :fiddle: