Spring cleanin...

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 3, 2009
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Duncanville, Texas
My Bike Models
1981 GL1100 Innerstate("The Turd")SOLD!!, 1996 GL1500 Innerstate
Groan.... :roll:
Since I got the Turd back up and running, I needed to do some clean-up out in the garage....you know, pick up all the crap I left layin around for the past, oh 10 years or so.
Started by cleanin crap off my workbench, throwing a lot of stuff away. After I got a workable area cleaned, my ADD kicked in, and I decided, "Hmmm...I sure would like to be able to get into the drawers on the end of my tool box. Haven't been able to do that in YEARS." So...I dug into that project. Only took aboot 6 hours Saturday, and 6 hours Sunday, but by gum, I did it! :hihihi:

This is what is known as a "Taco Wagon" toolbox. Drawers in the front, more on one end, a trailer hitch on the other end, annnd...two doors on the rear that open up for storage. I ain't got a friggin CLUE what's in the rear....too much trouble to move this beast out from the wall to find out. I did, however, find some stuff I been wondering what happened to, and some stuff I dint even remember havin. Like this Sears "Engine Analyzer".
One of the reasons I wanted to do all this was to see if I could locate the paperwork for the battery charger some thief stole from me last week. I did find the owner's manual for my welder(stolen along with a ton of other stuff in 2006), Timing Light, electric impact, and some other crap I don't even own anymore. But at least all of the manuals had the model & serial #s on them, so if I ever DO find my welder, I'll be able to produce ownership proof. Sadly, I found the owner's manual for the Battery charger, but I apparently either dint write the #s down, or there is another manual here somewhere.

Amazingly enough, most of the stuff I pulled out of the end drawers wound up on...my workbench.... :doh: :Doh2: I DID find, of all things, a really nice 1972 Playboy! :yahoo: :smilie_happy: Has Barbie Benton on the cover, and in the "middle".

Once again, my ADD got the better of me, and I pulled my air compressor out, and drained the water out of it. It's such a pain to do on a regular basis, as I should, so I had an "automatic" drain in the toolbox I wanted to install, so I did that. Now, I can just pull on a cable, and drain the tank easily. I also took the time to take good, clear pics of the tank plate, and serial #s for the compressor and motor...just in case.

Not too shabby a weekend, for me! :ahem:
Congrats, Joel! Aint it a good feelin'?!?! :clapping:

Oh...I have that Playboy, plus about 10 others from the '70's and '80's. It's nice to see women without silicon, botox, tats, and piercings, plus the ads and articles are fun trivia. :BigGrin:
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=169860#p169860:36s0904n said:
julimike54 » Tue Mar 15, 2016 7:08 am[/url]":36s0904n]
Is it ADD? Sounds like you suffer the same as wife accuses me of being anul. Can't leave things alone till just so :)

Naw...I'm not anal about stuff(at home, anyway). My problem is I get distracted really easily. I'll be doin one job, walk by something, and all of the sudden, I'm doin something else, and what I was originally doin don't get done. :smilie_happy:
For instance...I originally started off Saturday with the sole intention of clearing off my workbench. I spent about an hour on it, and got it aboot halfway done...then I just had to start cleanin out around the toolbox, promptly putting half the stuff I was moving away from the box on the workbench....which is now mess again! :head bang: :Doh2: It's a never ending cycle for me. :smilie_happy: It's one of the reasons it takes me so long to get anything done. In the middle of re-assembling the heads on the Turd, I saw the valve covers, and just started polishing one to see how it would look....leaving the heads unfinished. :blush: I'm not this way at werk...just at the house, for some reason.
Been working on mine a while, now you can get to the table, :smilie_happy: the patient there has the first step, in its surgery process finished. :heat:
I really need to clean my garage, my problem is it's mostly not my mess. I knew for years that I would get stuck with my dad's mess, but I dare not clean it while he was around. So now that's he's passed, I've got 20+ years of his mess and about 5 years of my own to clean up. It would be nice to be able to work in the garage again though...

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