+++ATTENTION if you use LB BLUE PRINTS to have a pulley made

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[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=184636#p184636:2vgfx9dn said:
wilcoy02 » 5 minutes ago[/url]":2vgfx9dn]

Can you insert the correct drawing at the beginning of this thread. In hopes of some one gets the correct info?

[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=184576#p184576:43vecyem said:
dan filipi » December 5th, 2016, 8:13 pm[/url]":43vecyem]
FYI, at least 10 of these pulley's were made for guys back when littlebeaver had them made for members here, I have one of them and one I had made locally. They fit great and the keyway is in the right place on at least 5 engines I've tried them on, 2 of them 1200's. 1000 IS a different deal though.


More pics

man they are beautiful,,
i took some info here in some shops and they cannot do it,,they dont have the time for 1.


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