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Classic Goldwings

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[url= said:
dan filipi » Today, 8:19 am[/url]":1nmne3ur]
It looks and runs great! 2 stroke right? Not seeing any smoke out the exhaust.

THanks, yes it's a 2 stroke. Left carb overflowing, might have to get new needle seat
[url= said:
made2care » Today, 6:37 am[/url]":1rzoqq8e]
[url= said:
dan filipi » Today, 8:19 am[/url]":1rzoqq8e]
It looks and runs great! 2 stroke right? Not seeing any smoke out the exhaust.

THanks, yes it's a 2 stroke. Left carb overflowing, might have to get new needle seat
My comment no smoke was sorta one of concern. There should be some, or are you using some kind of low smoke oil?
Plus one on no sign of two stroke oil. If it was mine I would be premixing in the tank even if it has some sort of oil metering system. Sounds great and is a real triumph even if you don’t want to do another one. :clapping: :salute: :good:
Shoot, I took apart the carb that was overflowing. Cleaned up valve . Put everything back together and it won't start. I'm only using the kickstart as the electric start is not working. As u saw in the video from last night it fired up after a few kicks.
I also thought it was strange no smoke exiting exhaust and then I remembered that i did not check the exhaust for rats nests, etc.
why is this bike suddenly not starting?
[url= said:
pidjones » 4 minutes ago[/url]":2b7hvi08]
Did you drain the carbs? Seemed like the kicking on the video was to get some fuel pulled through.

I just drained left carb, adjusted float height a little since it was overflowing, polished valve housing and then put everything back together. I tested the plugs and they are good, still get spark. I have literally kicked started at least 30 times and no go. I'm thinking its a fuel issue (carbs).
[url= said:
joedrum » Yesterday, 10:20 pm[/url]":1862czgh]
hmmmm ...the no smoke and then this long did you run it the first time ? mix the gas or is it auto mixer deal
I only ran it for about 4 min. It does have a little oil pump but I added a little oil to the gas .
Hoping that there might be too much oil (seeped into???) the gas, now after setting, with weak spark. :beg:
[url= said:
Denver » Today, 7:16 am[/url]":tnufg14c]
Hoping that there might be too much oil (seeped into???) the gas, now after setting, with weak spark. :beg:

Someone else suggested similar issue. too much oil in crankcase. How do i fix this?
its been so long since ive worked on a 2 stroke im just not much help seems to me i never had carb touble much with them ..but it also seemed i ran them daily as i was young and loved riding in the woods ans orange groves and suguar sand of fla....i did melt pistons break frames and me also could really get them hot in the sand doing 60mph in motor running but not really moving that fast just throwing sand till the piston would fail ...sheesh i coul be back the same day after fixing one LOL ..mine were all mix yourself or modded to that ..way to much pounding to use oil tank pumpers ...carbs alway stayed clean it seems oil in gas and it will kill it quick why mine were all modded to you mix only
Never having a two stroke, can not give you an answer but to drain, and start over mixing up a gallon to see if that helps.

Grasping at straws, in hope of avoiding a bad situation, for you.
I initially put maybe a 1/4 of a gallon of gas in tank with 1/2 capfull of 2 stroke oil. As you saw in the video, bike fired up after a few kicks but left carb was overflowing !
Next day i remove left carb bowl and valve assembly, cleaned assembly and valve and slightly adjusted float tab. reassembled. tried starting an no go. Again, have a good spark .
this bike does have a small oil pump , so adding more oil to the gas is not necessary but did it just to be on the safe side.
i guess i can add more gas and not oil and double check the carb again. dont know what else to do really!!
[url= said:
desertrefugee » 13 minutes ago[/url]":2ng271wi]
I would think one of the first things to do would be to pull the plugs and see what's going on in there. If not fouled, verify spark. Then worry about the carbs.
Already checked plugs, they are good and have good spark too!

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