Blind Bushing Remover - BREAD!

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 3, 2009
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Kingsport, Tennessee
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Former '82 GL1100 "The Slug"
This is a neat trick worth passing along. If you have a blind bushing or bearing that needs to be pulled, you can do it nice and clean without using a puller or by pushing grease into the hole (like we often do to pull a caliper piston).

My 1956 Chris Craft engine uses a raw water pump that is a gear pump rather than a rubber impeller pump. There are 3 bronze bushings in the pump. Two are accessible from the housing end when it is pulled off the pump. But the third one is buried in the main housing.

I do not have a bearing or bushing puller. So.....the next best thing is....BREAD! :hihihi:

I'm not kidding! You fill the bushing with bread (gluten free of course). :smilie_happy:

Then, take a bolt that fits the hole, wrap the bolt with electrical tape to make a tight fit and hammer the bolt into the bushing. The bread becomes a hydraulic press!





You think you know lots of old tricks and along comes a “new” one. :good: :salute:
Okay, Brian wins the Pun War so far! ;-)

Had a buddy with this kind of problem on a food-grade metering pump. Of course, it was in-situ, and could NOT be removed and reinstalled... instead of grease, he used PEANUT BUTTER... :-D

When it's necessary to protect the contents, I take a piece of plastic rod (nylon, teflon, polyethylene, etc) and put it in the lathe, turn it down, and slip it in... usually, i can get the cut clean enough to make it fit tight at the start, and then give it a wee bit of relief after the first half inch or so. With that fitment, darned near ANYTHING liquidish will push a bearing... bacon grease... modeling clay... GOOP (no pumice, of course)...

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