Japan's disaster

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dan filipi

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I wish could be there to help to.

My heart really goes out to them, I could not imagine seeing so much of my country being smashed like that.
They are so strong and cooperative that would not be so in a lot of other places.
It's a mess for sure, I wish the people there the best of luck, and have sympathy for those that lost family and friends.
My overall take is a little different, and politically incorrect, so I shan't say any more.
apple i cant beleave how these disgusting liars on tv have been covering this ....saying that no one has died over the nucular power desaster and melt down ...there are all kinds of death over not rescueing people trap in rubble because of the reading of dangerous radiation levels and just simply died of exposer. this was a general electric co. plant design an american design ...it was always just plain stupid to build these plants as big as they can ..for the sole purpose to control it all and own it all ...when greed is the founding baseline reason to do somthing like this it flawed from the begining .....the whole finicial cartel of the money chanagers and global control over all goverments of the world threw the making of paper money and call it detbt are under the thumb of these banksters of the world with the right to make this worthless money and then have power to own everything threw sham finicial markets hidden corps.and facist and communist monopolies on all major control things in todays world ....when you make money out of thin air and it cost all other real labor theres no way to compete in such a perfect worldwide scam or ponzi sceam against the people of the world....like saying on the news this morning that no one has died from this stupid act of control by the few moneychanger scum owned MSM like general electric that owns NBC,MSMBC and the rest they are all owned by these deceavers of thruth ....

keep my mouth shut over this kind of death no way....the earthquake ans sunomi were bad enough without nucular icing on top of it all ....i dont like being lied to by these bought off picks of hamity :rant: :rant: my most heart felt sorrow for the people of japan who have been blasted by aggressive and so called good nucular attack ....shameful that we are so dumb to be duked by these parisites of humanity :swoon: :swoon: :swoon: :swoon: :swoon: :whip: :ahem: :mrgreen:
For those that care, here are some Sat photos of before/after areas of Japan. There is a blue bar in the center of the pics...click on the bar and move it side/side to see direct before/after comparisons...

Japan Sat Photos before/after

Quite unreal...