Voter registration warning...

Classic Goldwings

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[url= said:
Denver » Sat Feb 13, 2016 6:17 pm[/url]":14stowq3]
Wonder if enough of us exist? :roll:Could use a change for the better, for a change!

Weren't we already promised change... :head bang:
[url= said:
brianinpa » Sat Feb 13, 2016 11:06 pm[/url]":dpa7li4t]
[url= said:
Denver » Sat Feb 13, 2016 6:17 pm[/url]":dpa7li4t]
Wonder if enough of us exist? :roll:Could use a change for the better, for a change!

Weren't we already promised change... :head bang:
Yes and we got it. Not the change we wanted but it was a huge change. :Doh2:
[url= said:
slabghost » Sat Feb 13, 2016 11:34 pm[/url]":20dlte3g]
[url= said:
brianinpa » Sat Feb 13, 2016 11:06 pm[/url]":20dlte3g]
[url= said:
Denver » Sat Feb 13, 2016 6:17 pm[/url]":20dlte3g]
Wonder if enough of us exist? :roll:Could use a change for the better, for a change!

Weren't we already promised change... :head bang:
Yes and we got it. Not the change we wanted but it was a huge change. :Doh2:

People seem to forget, in the past, :shock: only people who had a vote, were the people who owned property & paid property taxes. :good: We may be opposite types of people, but both realise we need roads, schools, infrastructure, etc. :whistling: So we have a similar outlook over all, as we all have skin in the game. :yes: Now giving the vote to EVERYBODY muddies the water so the political class, dilutes votes of those with skin in the game, :evil: divides, & conquers us all. :rant:
'nuff' said all is for naught the majority do not rule birth certificates not needed Constitution is not followed any more. Personal rights are not. .......not not not. :useless: :cheeky: :roll: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: nuff said.
When the polls open I'm there to cast my ballot. Something I proudly continue to do. One definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing over and over again and again and expecting different results. Just call me crazy. :doh:
At least you guys don't have compulsory voting like us. I wish the ones that couldn't be bothered and don't want to contribute would stay away from the polls :yes:
[url= said:
Ansimp » Sun Feb 14, 2016 4:01 pm[/url]":47vzz0kb]
At least you guys don't have compulsory voting like us. I wish the ones that couldn't be bothered and don't want to contribute would stay away from the polls :yes:

whats that mean vote or go to jail :hihihi:
[url= said:
julimike54 » Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:41 pm[/url]":1kfhxw2j]
My 0.02 worth, if the government is paying you, you should not be able to vote! If you work & live by your own merits, you can vote.

Wait one minute.... what is your defition of "the government is paying you"?

I have my opinion, but I don't want to put words in your fingertips.
[url= said:
julimike54 » Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:41 pm[/url]":1hbtqc44]
My 0.02 worth, if the government is paying you, you should not be able to vote! If you work & live by your own merits, you can vote.
I'll agree to that if you mean those on welfare, ssi,stay at home wives,single moms, in public office, etc. Should not vote. I would not include active military or guard or reservists or law enforcement persons. They should vote.
[url= said:
slabghost » Sun Feb 14, 2016 4:00 pm[/url]":1l5y275s]
[url= said:
julimike54 » Sun Feb 14, 2016 3:41 pm[/url]":1l5y275s]
My 0.02 worth, if the government is paying you, you should not be able to vote! If you work & live by your own merits, you can vote.
I'll agree to that if you mean those on welfare, ssi,stay at home wives,single moms, in public office, etc. Should not vote. I would not include active military or guard or reservists or law enforcement persons. They should vote.

That's what I am thinking also.
If your pay is tied to a direct government benefit, and the people in power are paying you, wouldn't you vote to keep getting that $$? There are many different ways to cut it up, but the largest thing that I see occurring is those on benefits are growing in size (last est. I heard was 25% of population) and all they need to do is vote to keep their benefits in tact. By the way I know that this isn't fair, as I stated just my 2 cents and I will soon be in the same benefit boat, when I retire. I don't expect anyone to agree, I might not either, but there needs to be a way to curb the reality that if we all lived on the government, why work? Oh isn't that communism? No offense meant to anyone by the way. I'm not claiming to have the answer, just an observation on the direction I see the country headed.