what is it with some people?

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dan filipi

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Dec 3, 2009
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Van Nuys Ca.
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I pull into this rental property, one driveway with a guest house, I'm going to work in the guest house.
I was here on Saturday so I know the front tenants park in the driveway. To be considerate I pull way forward so if they come home there'd be enough room to park behind me.

Well this dude parks across the street then walks up to me, I say hi and introduce myself before he even gets to me, he says nothing.
He gets to me and I offer to shake his hand then he says "what are you doing here?" all tough like.
I explain to work on the back house he says "what did they call an ELECTRICIAN for?"
I explain with more detail.
Total attitude this guy.

Hey, I'm a nice cordial guy.
Why do some people act his this?
Hard not to get pissed when someone doesn't return the same politeness!
Maybe because a lot of people live lives of quiet desperation? Maybe he hates his life, his wife, his job....whatever?

It took me a really long time to become aware enough to really want to live in this very moment and while doing that I find that I am pretty content and happy. Some folks haven't become aware of that. They are still waiting for something to bring them happiness.....and pissed it isn't there yet..:^)

Maybe your good mood and friendliness will affect him in a good way...maybe not... but you are better for it....and look at what you have given us here...a very cool forum and place to hang out and kick tires and talk motor.

Thanks for sharing that Dan..it makes me really grateful for the moment and my awesome life!
Don't sweat it Dan. You just had a visit by a govt subsidized mental midget. You can't fix stupid. You might want to carry a pocket tazer for such visitors who may exercise their stupidity to the extent of physical contact.
Omega Man":2w2v1581 said:
I was the same bk2. Also, happiness is a "choice" not a "consequence."
How we react to any situation is always a choice. Often one we made a long time ago. I've decided it's time to revisit those choices and maybe adjust them some.
Very good words of wisdom guys!

I have to say I never thought of life this way but those words are true.
I've started rethinking things as I get older.

My philosophy is and always has been to treat other like I want them to treat me.
Sometimes I get in bad moods, who doesn't but I try to keep that to myself because I don't feel that it's fair to put that off on others. Who needs it.
Life is just too short to go through life hateing it.
Thanks for the come-backs guys...sounds to me like we are all on the same page....

Dan, you remind me of a FB post a friend made : (actually she said she stole it from a friends FB page): "I have decided to treat people exactly the way they treat me! Some people should be proud, some of you should be happy". But most of you should be scared, very scared....!"

Kind of comical....
yes its easy to find something to get angry at ....laughter is much better than attitude.....i also find that people get angry when you laugh at them also so its there loss ....expectations on others always breeds disappointment ...so igive no wieght to attitude ever....in my parts around here it comes to blows and sucker punches quickly....fortunitly population is small :smilie_happy: :mrgreen:
That must have been my brother Dan. He is mad at the world!! (Unfortunately it is a family trait) My brother starts his day off assuming someone is always trying to get over on him....set him up for something......prove him wrong about something.......talk about him behind their back......etc.....the list goes on. No matter what, he finds a reason to be angry with everyone!

Of course I don't help much.....after he goes on a tirade about something, I just keep smiling and calmly ask, "Are you done yet? Can we move on now?", which, of course is not well received. (I'm trying...you should have known me before!) My point, there are some out there determined to find fault in anything (even if there is nothing wrong) and yes, smiling can get you into trouble too!
As I get older, I find it harder to suffer fools, so I have a new motto...

"I have decided to treat people exactly the way they treat me. Some people should be proud, some should be happy.... But most should be scared.......very scared....!" :mischief:

And that's all I have to say aboot that... :whistling:
I guess we all agree the guy was a jerk. So what happened after that? Was the guy the owner of the rental property? Did you do the work that you were called there to do? Did you add a "dealing with a jerk" charge?
In my opinion I drive a older truck and car and wear a work shirt with my name on it.
So I have run into a lot of people who know "they are better and more important then I am"
And I'll bet if I asked them they would tell me how sucessfull they are.
Nice way to put it Dan. (Hard not to get pissed when someone doesn't return the same politeness!)
Makes ya want to scratch your head and look cross eyed at them. :doh: :doh: