Here she is, I named her, "the Wanderer "

Classic Goldwings

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[url= said:
made2care » Wed Jul 27, 2016 3:10 pm[/url]":2egkyhp8]
And since i have everything apart, you do recommend removing the idle jet with drywall screw or similar type screw.
Remove and clean each jet using the drywall screw and diagonal cutters to pry them out. One at a time.
[url= said:
joedrum » 16 minutes ago[/url]":2fv3deuu]
you do have the roady thread with all the pics right ...good pics and all but that is total rebuild right now your skimming the hot spots you can try not spend big bucks

Yes, got it
Carb 3 is different. How do i remove the float bowl.There's mention of a air cutoff valve . Do i need to remove some linkage that's connected to this valve?I removed screws from float bowl and air cutoff
An alternative to the drywall screw and pliers method for removing idle jets is a small easy out. That is what I used (although I don't remember the size right now). I tapped it into the jet snuggly and continued to turn. Each jet popped loose with a bit of a snap. When it came time to reassemble, I put the easy out back in and used it to tap the jet back in place. At least it worked for me. I second Joe's use of snot sucker. I used mine to religiously check each passageway. Rebuilt carbs run and idle great!
Idle jet out. Drywall screw trick worked!!


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Leave the screw in it . It makes for a nice handle to hold it for cleaning and use it to tap it back in place then unscrew it and go to the next one. That was what I did. No worry that way of mixing up jets. Be sure the passage is clear before you reinstall the jet.
[url= said:
dan filipi » Yesterday, 10:15 pm[/url]":1bgowfw9]
Looks like a lot of crud on it. Rest of the carb like that?

Yes. Not that I'm an expert but I think these are virgin carbs.

So many parts! After all this, I think I could make my own Swiss watch.
I have noticed that there are no screens connected to the float valve holders. Maybe this has been opened before and the po forgot to put it back in . Must I have these screens?
From what I'm reading, seems only the OEM floats came with the screens.
What are my options? Just install without screens and put another fuel filter somewhere?
If i understand, you are talking about the needle & seat float assembly. :headscratch: Looks as if you have to buy a K&L PRO carb repair kit to get that portion of the assembly. :Awe: Look at their catalog on line. On page 235, picture top left of the kit's, they look pretty complete. :yes: P M me if you want to go this route. :builder: Have had great luck so far with their stuff, :good: but not needed this many part's to fix mine yet. :nea: They sell new needle's, but no float assembly's, :rant: but the old seat's will almost always clean up with jewelers rouge & a Q'tip or two. :popcorn: