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Classic Goldwings

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  1. N

    Tornados in Dexter and Pinckney area

    Yikes! Hope everyone's okay over there.
  2. N

    New to wings

    No. Inda US!
  3. N

    New to wings

    That's great to hear and exactly what I bought this one for. I'll keep it pretty much stock, but intend to ride it. I remember when Honda introduced these bikes and recall thinking the engineering Honda packed into them things was incredible. IMO that's still true today, 30+ years later...
  4. N

    New to wings

    Thx guys. Going to take me a week or so to get pix and put them up -- but I certainly will. I'll be doing a few of the basics: tires, fluids, belt and whatever else it might need. Sat for a while and saw light use most of its life. Second owner rode it some last year but in all, it's done a...
  5. N

    Which After market exhaust is the best choice for a GL1100 ?

    Thanks guys. Don't have unlimited funds, just always thinking.
  6. N

    Carburetor Overhaul, GL1100

    +1 what Mac said! I'm going to have to do this same procedure sooner rather than later and this is the best tutorial I've found! Thanks to OP for the careful, step-by-step guide and to everyone else for the helpful hints. All very encouraging to see so many others able to do this. Makes me...
  7. N

    Honda crossover program

    This is a fantastic tool!!! Thanks for posting.
  8. N

    Which After market exhaust is the best choice for a GL1100 ?

    You guys are great and I'm LMAO over the Harley stuff, as I own one along with the Oldwing I just bought this evening!!! (Grinning ear-to-ear!!) WRT exhaust - I looked into wing exhausts last year, as I found one at that time that needed an exhaust, and I was surprised at how little was...
  9. N

    New to wings

    and enthusiastic!! Great forum and glad to be a member. Old to bikes, new to wings. Been looking for a while and just bought a very clean 1983 standard. Looking forward to the season and learning all its idiocyncracies.